RFFlow is a software program for drawing flowcharts,
organization charts, and other diagrams.
- $49, one-time purchase. No monthly or annual fees.
- See what RFFlow can do.
- Try RFFlow. Download the free trial.
- Get the details about RFFlow.
- Read a short tutorial to be introduced to
the program.
- Learn RFFlow by watching short videos.
- See pricing information for RFFlow.
The RFFlow software includes all the stencils and shapes.
- Purchase RFFlow and download the full program
immediately. You can order online, by phone, or by mail.
- Receive free and unlimited technical support
for RFFlow.
- Upgrade to RFFlow 5. Users of RFFlow 1, 2,
3, or 4 can upgrade at a reduced cost.
- RFFlow requires Microsoft Windows version 7, 8, 10 or 11. RFFlow
runs on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows.
- RFFlow does not run on a Mac unless you have a Windows emulator
or boot your Mac into Windows.
- RFFlow charts can be copied and pasted into all versions of
Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Corel WordPerfect.
- If you have already purchased RFFlow and need to reinstall the
software, email rff@rff.com.
- RFFlow does not connect or transmit any data to the internet.
- RFFlow can create PDF files by using "Microsoft Print to PDF."